security at sentries

Security and operations are a critical component of a well-run validator. With Sentries you can be assured we take this into the utmost consideration when evaluating technologies and deployment.

6 point strategy when dealing with infrastructure hardware

  1. Firewall configured – only allow access required for operating the Solana Validator

  2. Restricted access via user account as well as key’d account restriction

  3. Automatic install of latest security updates

  4. Systems monitoring and auditing

  5. Encrypted filestore on boot for access to private keypair loaded (voting / identity account)

  6. Alerting for low vote balance, updates, system status, and new builds

Aditionally Sentries enforces the following with withdraw authority:

  • Off premise withdraw authority key storage

  • Multisignature configurations

To manage these systems effectively we leverage the following technologies which are available for your evaluation: ZeroTier, Boundary, CMD, Consul, and Vault.